Title I » Title I News

Title I News

ECE families,
Below you will find opportunities to give feedback on Title I documents. There are also helpful links that will lead you to resources regarding Title I. Check out our PTO web-page, PTO Facebook page, and Euchee Creek Elementary's Facebook page for ways to become more involved at ECE. Please feel free to contact the parent engagement coordinator at any time.
Thank you,
Heather Thigpen Stefani
Parent Engagement Coordinator
GA DOE Family-School Partnership Program
The Georgia Department of Education’s Family-School Partnership Program ensures that Title I, Part A parent and family engagement regulations are met with meaningful and strategic actions to build parent and school staff capacity as mandated by the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) of 1965, as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) of 2015. Schools and districts must ensure that strong strategies are in place to: 1) build capacity to engage parents/stakeholders in an effective partnership with the school; and 2) share and support high student academic achievement.
Link to GA DOE webpage     School Improvement & Parent Engagement